All about Repairing Car Damage

Skilled car damage repairers earn almost four folds of what novice repairer gets. Statistics show that of the 223,000 automotive repairers in 2004, 10% of them, the skilled automotive repairers earn more than $28.45 per hour. This is about four times what the less skilled repairer’s get, which is about $9.42 per hour.


If we then compare it to the median per hour rate of company executives which is about $29.75 per hour, you probably pair enough in take-home money because being in the business of repairing cars damage, you do not need to wear a suit and tie, and get stressed to much thinking of how you will run the business. You may also need to worry about the life of all the people in your company. You thus sport a stressful lifestyle, although from a distance, you may look far better than blue-collar workers. You may have the power to command as a company executive but you do not have the coziness of a blue-collar job. You may be more stressed as compared to skilled car damage repairers.

On the other hand, as a skilled car damage repairer, you go to work in noisy body shops with clatters of hammering and whining of power tools. You also will be dirty at the end of the day. You are also working in a condition where there is great possibility of being hurt while repairing car damages.

In addition to this, you will need to have at least 3 to 4 years of hands-on experience in all the paces of automotive repairing before you reach a receive a handsome pay.

Therefore, to ensure that later on, your business of repairing car damages will go up to the level where you will earn like those handsomely dressed company executives, it may help to have yourself certified by the National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence. Once you are certified as an ASE Master Collision Repair and Refinishing Technician, you may already command your price.

However, before you get this far in your business of car damage repairing, you may need continuing education on the modern and technically advanced quality of cars that manufacturers introduce to the market.

Formal training will help you develop your skills and attending seminars sponsored by will keep you at the top of your business.

It may also help to understand the government requirements and that of insurance companies so that you will be able to assist your clients well enough.

Your business might be slapped by the total loss assessment of insurance companies. However, this may be masked by the fact that you can buy these total loss cars, study their parts, and even use some of them for your future repairs. Understanding the requirements and the logic behind these requirements will be able to give you an edge in assisting your customers, whether to have their cars repaired or ask the insurance company for a total loss assessment. Being an authority in all the paces of owning a car may help you in your business as well.

Keeping pace with the modernity of today’s automotive industry will keep your business of repairing car damage such a lucrative business.

You may be dirty at the end of the day, but if you are able to provide for the needs of your family, I think repairing car damage is not such a bad idea.