Automotive Lights

The indicator lights can be found in the front and the back of the car. These usually shine bright orange so that drivers around you can see that you intend on turning left or right, or are about to change into the next lane. Sometimes, car manufacturers install the indicator lights on the side mirrors for other drivers to have better visibility of your car and the movements you are about to make.

Hazard lights are also orange but flash constantly to notify other drivers that there is a problem with your car. Other drivers will understand that you can’t move faster or at all. So they may safely overtake you.

The headlights are located at the front of the car. These lights are turned on when there is poor visibility of the road. Night time and rainy weather is the main reason for their use. There is barely any reflection on the car at night and it is best to let all night drivers know that you are present on the road.

Fog lights are located on the front of the car too. These are used to see through thick mist or fog and for others to see you. Nowadays, people use them to communicate with other drivers.

Reverse lights are located at the back of the car. It is necessary to have these lights as you have to notify other drivers that you are moving backwards. This will prevent drivers from ramming into you and it lets them know that they, too, have to reverse.

When you put the headlights on, the rear lights will also go on. These are usually a dull red that travels quite far for drivers further away to see. They can’t be very bright in case you blind the drivers.