Cleaning Car Frames

It would be best to have the following supplies available; Both Heavy and Light Liquid Degreaser, some sheets of Plastic used in painting and for your body protection we recommend; goggles which protect your eyes, rain Gear and Plastic Boots.

When you hit areas of where the frame comes together or where there are holes in the frame, which have paint chips or rust, you will want to hit these with the zero tip. Be careful to wear eye protection because the deflected water will still be moving very fast. The non deflected water if it hits your body can easily break the skin.


It is best to work on one section at a time. It is also important to contain the dirty water flow once you start using the chemicals for cleaning. Many times you will be surprised at how well the pressure washer does without any degreaser or with light degreaser. To do this job correctly follow this easy step by step guide. First check the water flow to make sure dirty water will not enter gutter then lay down the plastic in the section to be cleaned and use two by fours to put under the outer edges of plastic to stop water flow. Rinse area to be cleaned prior to starting then spray at close range tough and stubborn stains and paint chips and rinse and see how good it looks,

If it looks great you are finished if not continue to the next set of steps. Spray degreaser on the areas to remove the hardened grease and oil. Allow about 30 seconds of dwell time for it to soak in and then Blast at close range with 15 degree tip and zero tip if needed. Rinse with wide angle tip and repeat until you are satisfied and continue this process on other sections.