Is It Time To Switch Your Headlights From Halogens To LEDs?

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. A pretty simple name for something so spectacular, isn’t it? The invention of this led to instant switching of the standard indecent bulbs around the homes and offices around the world. The reason for this – all features of the new method for lighting are better. See more about this new technology here.

The only thing that’s not under the pro list is the price. It’s more expensive for creating them. This is one of the major reasons why automobile companies are still not using them as a standard component in the body of the new cars.

Instead, most of them are still using the standard halogen bulbs who are much more affordable and still very convenient for the needs of a vehicle.

However, with the awareness of the new technology, it’s just a matter of time when things will change. Some car companies are installing LED lights into their new more expensive models. They’re installing them in models that are made for the upper class and can accept a higher price for something spectacular.

Is it time for you to switch the standard halogens with new LEDs?

As a common person driving a common car, it’s normal to ask yourself should I do this on my own. The short answer is – Of course, you should. And here’s why!

The old-fashioned halogens are more affordable, even too affordable for the job they are doing. However, changing them with the new technology means spending a little more money on the product, but eventually saving even more on changes and maintenance. Learn more about them here:

If this is confusing, let us break it a little bit. The standard halogens get exhausted after 200 to 1000 hours of work. After this time, you need to buy a new one and change it. If you don’t know how to do this on your own, you’ll have to pay for the service too.

The LEDs last from 5000 hours and above. This means, if you install them on a vehicle, chances are the bulbs will last longer than the car itself. Saving on constant changing is obvious. Not just in money, but in spending time and energy on the problem.

Another important feature is the safety. The LEDs produce a lot lighter and they produce no heat whatsoever. It means that being on an open road can make you feel safe knowing that you won’t have to deal with a broken light.

Some vehicles are simply not best in the headlights department and often have electricity problems. Overheating and improper setup of the bulbs can cause often changing. Having the new type will mean completely forgetting about this.

Even a small crash can still make the lights work. The technology is completely different and there’s no glass department from where the light is emitted. Even if the headlights get bumped, the rest will still work because the brightness comes from a completely different source – not the bulb itself.


How to make the switch?

It’s important to learn if the law allows something like this on the road. There are certain limitations of the brightness being emitted, so make sure you’re not crossing some boundaries.

It’s best if you install them on a brand-new car. This would be the best investment because the new wheels deserve the best lighting there is. Spending money on them and completely forgetting about it is the best thing you can do for yourself and the machine you’re driving.