Did you know that there are around 260 million cars in the US? Amazing 96 percent of them are driven on an automatic transmission. In Canada, there are around 26 million registered vehicles. Of them, only 9% are manual. See some stats about this here.
These numbers are stunning. In Europe, on the other hand, over 80% of the vehicles have the manual option. There’s an obvious difference in understanding between these two parts of the world. So which one is better? Read on and learn more about this.
Manual transmission
More affordable
The manual transmission is more affordable. If you’re buying a car you’ll notice that the one with automatic is more expensive than the other. The reason for this is both in the way the car is built and because the automatic is easier to control – so manufacturers assume that this is what buyers desire more.
Wastes less gas
Since you have the control over the gears, you can easily control when your vehicle should spend gas. You don’t get this with the other option. The end result is saving money on gas especially if you’re driving around the city and the urban areas where a lot of shifting is needed.
Overall better control of the car
If you ever had an experience with both, you know how harder it is to take a situation in your own hands if you drive the auto shifter. For example, a fast passing another person on the road wastes a precious second or two until the transmission realize that you need to pass. The manual isn’t facing this problem because you’ll simply shift a gear down and you’re ready to roll.
More affordable to maintain
This system is much easier to maintain. There are fewer parts installed inside than the other option so if something breaks down or needs to be changed it will cost a little. The other option might require changing the whole set of items which in some cases might cost you like you’re buying a completely new vehicle. See how it is made here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manual_transmission
Automatic transmission
Extremely easy to use
We don’t even need to mention this, right? This type is so easy that even kids can drive it. The controls are park, drive, and reverse. You can drive it without even touching the floor. That’s why many young generations are not even aware of the other type and young Americans that come vacationing in Europe have a hard time handling their rent-a-car models.
Helps to concentrate on the road
There are many different kinds of drivers. Some have a natural talent for it while others have a really hard time focusing on everything that happens on the road. We can’t judge, everyone needs to get from point A to point B, right?
Those that have a harder time driving, find it really complicated to look for the transmission stick all the time. A lot of people avoid driving accidents just because they don’t have to think about this.
Car engine never turns off
Europeans deal with this all the time. The light turns green and no one moves. The first guy moved the foot from the clutch to fast and the engine turned off. This almost never happens with an automatic transmission. This way gives you better control over the stop-start moment of the vehicle. If something like this starts happening often, visit the transmission automatique Quebec workshop.
Getting around the traffic jam
Drivers in cities that have huge traffic jams often have to do the drive and brake routine. This is really exhausting if you constantly need to move the gear into first, second, push out of gear. And again. The automatic helps the driver in this situation. All they need to do is push and let go with the foot, and that’s it.
As you can see, the manual is made for those who like to have overall control of the vehicle and save some money on the long run, while the automatic is made for people who are looking for comfort.
It’s up to you to decide which one is better for you. If you’re not too much into cars, the second option is better. If you like to get up close and personal with what’s under the hood, choose the first one.