Reasons why the cold weather can damage your car

Cold weather can damage the car and especially the engine that requires a preheat before leaving the car in winter at low temperatures.

It may seem trivial, it’s not a big deal to snow or thaws your car, but there are some simple solutions that you may not consider when you rush to get the car out of the parking lot in winter, after a heavy snowfall. Drivers on the NorskeAnmeldelser have given us a lot of helpful advice when it comes to protecting your car in the winter. But if you need a certain car part in winter, buy with confidence from

Here are some things to keep in mind in the winter


 This is especially important for diesel engines that cannot be started at all without preheating in low temperatures.

The operation of diesel engines is based on the principle of self-ignition power supply. The air entering the engine is compressed until the temperature reaches 700-900 ° C, which is required by the ignition of the fuel in the injection engine. Therefore, glow plugs are used in the engine to heat the air in the combustion chamber to the required values. Malfunctioning even a single glow plug can cause problems when trying to start the engine, so these glow plugs should be checked each time before the cold season arrives.

Gasoline engines are less dependent on ambient temperature compared to diesel engines, as in these engines the fuel is ignited by spark plugs. Undoubtedly, at temperatures of -24 ° C petrol does not evaporate therefore, and also in the case of vehicles with petrol engines preheating systems can be used to form a much more homogeneous air-fuel mixture.

Car battery

The car’s battery can be affected by the low weather and it can end and even not start the engine, the causes beyond the wire would be the age of the battery the newer the better.

Paint, windows, tires can also be damaged when it is winter. If the tires are unsuitable for the summer, the paint due to ice and snow removal objects from the car, and the windows as well, especially if non-slip materials have been scattered on the road, can crack, crack or even break. It is also recommended to wash the car to prevent the following paint problems due to anti-slip materials thrown on the road against freezing.

Fuel composition

In the cold period and inadequate fuel can damage our engine, so it is good to put a premium fuel even if it is more expensive, a cheaper one could freeze.

The composition of the fuel determines the temperature of the vaporizer and its viscosity, so in cold seasons, winter fuel must be used, this is true for both gasoline and diesel engines. Gasoline in the winter class contains low-boiling hydrocarbons that contribute to the much more efficient formation of the mixture of air and fuel as well as complete combustion in low-temperature conditions. Winter fuel is not prone to crystallization and retains its high fluidity at cold temperatures. The freezing temperature of diesel fuel can be lowered by using special additives that also remove water from the fuel.

To avoid more problems that we may encounter in the cold season we can make a review of the car’s mechanics both at the beginning of winter and spring to prevent any kind of problem that we might encounter in winter as you have after finishing.