Before you have the window tinting done make sure that you know the laws in regards to what is legal. In most states, there are medical necessity exemptions to the window tinting laws. This exemption is for those that have a valid vision or medical related condition that requires the person to limit their exposure to sunlight. Some of the medical conditions include sunlight allergy, lupus, melanoma, and phosensitivity. If you windows are tinted darker than is legally allowed and you are stopped, you need to have documentation showing that you have an exemption.
Provided that you have side mirrors, some states will allow every window to be tinted. Other states may not allow you to have your two front windows and the windshield tinted. If you have illegally tinted windows and are stopped you will generally pay a fine from $50 to $500 and will have the windows retinted to what is considered legal. All states have separate laws that legislate tinting for windows. This is why it is very important to follow what your state’s laws say in regards to tinting for windows.
Most people have window tinting done to protect themselves and their car from the sun’s damaging UV rays. There are two basic styles of window tinting; traditional non-reflective film and metallic performance films that have a reflective surface. You can get tinted windows in gold, gray, bronze, amber, and other colors.
Window tinting has many benefits, which include:
• Blocking ninety-nine percent of the damaging UV rays and sixty-five percent of the sun’s heat
• Protects your skin from sun damage and your eyes from eyestrain and glare
• Protects the upholstery and interior of your car
• Makes your glass safer if it gets broken by holding the shattered glass in place
• Can prevent people from seeing into your vehicle